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Friday, 29 August 2008


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in LOVE with your blog.

such an inspiration.


ohmigod. Look at how neatly you cut that avocado !
When i'm done cutting/peeling mine, it's a big mush !
What's your secret ahah !


I remember your interview with Simona! Not sure if you knew her back then...but wow, you guys are BFFs now. She looks lovely outside of magazine pages as well! :D I love her shocked :O expressions! it seems like seeing the famous is part of your everyday life...how...glamorous :D


Do you know that [Simona is] in http://www.stylesightings.com/. I can't believe I recognized [Simona]. I really love the blue tiered top [Simona is] wearing. May I ask who's the designer?


I went to Santos with a good friend of mine and we were told at the door that they were sold out. I was so shocked! I had no idea the Virgins were so huge in NY and could actually sell out Santos. So congrats for going and giving me a little peek inside of what I missed [but have already seen in concert before]

PS I kind of just want to be your personal photog and follow you around for a week, haha.


Good to hear that young people are hooked on raw food!!

Keep going girls!!

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